Saturday, July 05, 2008

I may have to change my avatar picture

I finally got my hair cut. I've been growing it out for over a year, and I haven't seen a hair stylist since March of last year. So, figuring that my mop of hair needs some help before the wedding, I got it cut. I found a great stylist, AND she offered to straighten my hair. I don't think she fully realized how much work it was, because my really curly hair doesn't like to be anything but curly. She got a really good tip, because she did an amazing job.

Now, of course, I want to have straight hair more often. I'll have to start at 5 a.m. to make it to work on time.

Just as a frame of reference, this is what I looked like on Valentine's Day, 2007. Ignore the double chin. That was also twenty-five pounds ago.


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