Sunday, December 30, 2007

A finished object!!!

I'm working on reducing the number of UFOs at my house, so take the Fiber Trends Felted Clogs off the To Do list!!! I finished them yesterday under my orders of sitting and doing nothing (since the doctor said that I have a throat infection, and Olivia has both an ear AND sinus infection), and I felted them today. They are downstairs in the laundry room drying right now, and that room has the worst lighting ever.

And, out of it, I found something that I can knit for Donnie. He's not a sweater kind of guy, since he's always about twenty degrees warmer than I am. He said that my slippers are pretty cool, and he would wear them, but not in the colours I chose for mine (plum 8415 and the burgundy quatro 9440 from Cascade 220).


Blogger Princess Zarko said...

OH MY! I love the bath story! that is soooo true! We have a rule in my house! you only knock on the bathroom door when mom is in there if someone is bleeding! :) I am glad to hear that Santa was able to come early to your place this year! He really comes through!

Jan 4, 2008, 1:32:00 a.m.  

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