Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Houston, we have a problem...

So last night I wrote about our newest Christmas purchase, the Train. TMO is still fascinated with it. But we had a little 'situation' last night with it.

When D took it out of the box, a piece on the back had broken off. I was upstairs getting O's pyjamas, and I hear this:

"Honey....can you come down here??....NOW!!!"

Now, in our house, that line strikes fear in my heart.

I came downstairs to this.Crazy Glue...those warnings mean something...

Yup...D had taken it upon himself to Crazy Glue said piece back on.
Warning labels? Psssh...we don't read no stinkin' warning labels...

Of course, he had moral support through it all.You always have an audience at our house.

All said, we avoided a trip to the emergency room. Nail polish remover did the trick. Kind of.

Later on, we had this conversation,

D: "Hey...I was talking to my brother on Messenger...he said we should have used turpentine."

Me: "Um...did you ask him why he knew that?"


Blogger Isabel said...

My best friend and I would super glue our fingers to each other in school so the teacher couldn't seperate us. Aw..the joys of super glue.

Nov 22, 2005, 3:33:00 p.m.  
Blogger kim said...

LOL...That is too funny...

Nov 22, 2005, 4:30:00 p.m.  

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