Thursday, January 19, 2006

Tired...very tired...

TMO woke up last night at about 1:30 from a nightmare. She was frantically asking for some tape (I know...very strange...but whenever she gets a tear on a page in one of her books, that's how I fix it, so she thinks that tape is the miracle cure-all). She calmed down when I got her a roll of masking tape from the office. After she completely calmed down, she informed me that a pony was 'broken' and needed tape. And then I told her that I would stay with her until she fell asleep. Some time around 4:30, I made it into my own bed. Yup...she was up until then. I'm scared for what we may be in for as she gets a child, I had horrific nightmares and sleepwalked. My husband D sleepwalked also. He was one of those who would not only ramble about the house, but actually leave the house. Yikes...

Then, after being up most of the night, she promptly bounced out of bed at 8 am.

She is such a morning person, it kills me.

I am STILL working on my orange sweater. I'm sewing down the picot edges. I put the neck edge on a spare piece of yarn, and that was just torture to dig out the live stitch, and sew it. For the hem, I left it on the circ, and it was much easier. So I think I'm going to put the remaining neck stitches back on the needle. Then, I just have the sleeves to work, and I'm done. I'm just going to do elbow-length sleeves because:
  1. I don't have any sweaters like that.
  2. I'm seriously running out of yarn.

Hopefully, I'll be finished tomorrow. I'm really getting tired of working on this thing.


Blogger Unknown said...

Muchus Gracias for the link on your site :) I was coming to get one of your buttons when I saw my link ;)

My daughter and my husband look awake in the middle of the night but they are actually asleep. It is creppy. Does your daughter have red hair? Mine does :)

Jan 19, 2006, 4:19:00 p.m.  
Blogger kim said...

O has kind of strawberry-blonde/brown hair. It seems to change colour based on what she's wearing. I have...ok, had...reddish hair. I still do, only it comes from L'Oreal, because I've gone prematurely grey.

Jan 19, 2006, 5:11:00 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

LOL!!! I used to have beautiful auburn hair when I was younger now it is just a blah shade of brown.

Jan 19, 2006, 5:38:00 p.m.  

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