Monday, February 20, 2006

The body is DONE!!!

I am really happy with how this has turned out, freak-outs about measurements and all...The upper sunflower repeat is a little tight, because that was knitted back and forth, and I tended to pull the stranded yarns a bit tighter than knitting in the round. Hopefully, it won't make a big difference in fit, because it isn't as stretchy as the body part. Oh well, it's all part of the learning process.

I had to photograph the sweater with O's latest creation. D went to Costco this weekend, and picked up a gardening set for her, complete with shovel, rake, gardening gloves, and a stepping-stone kit. She's like a magpie...loves anything that sparkles.

So, back to the sweater...I only have the sleeves to do...lots of time to finish...


Blogger Dave Palmer said...

beautiful! the top flowers will block out...

good job. sarina

Feb 20, 2006, 8:41:00 p.m.  

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