Thursday, August 09, 2007

Back from vacation!

Lots of T-rexes at the Royal TyrellSo now we're home from our vacation. Actually, we got home Monday night, then I had to go into work Tuesday, and yesterday everyone felt crappy, so I haven't done much.

Our vacation was great! This is a picture of the first display you see at the Royal Tyrell. It is pretty amazing, even more so if you are as obsessed with dinosaurs as Olivia is. And, Donnie and I even learned lions and camels were indigenous to North America. Who knew?

Dinosaur exhibit at the Calgary Zoo
The day after the dinosaur museum, we did the Calgary Zoo. Again, very cool, but by the end of it, my feet hurt, and I couldn't wait to go back to the hotel and put my feet up.

We stayed in Calgary for a couple of days, and exciting me was asleep by 9 o'clock every night. We hit some really great bookstores, and Olivia found a copy of my favourite book from when I was her age...Robin Hood (the Disney version), complete with the record in the back to play along with the book.

After Calgary, we went up to Edmonton for a wedding. Olivia loved getting dressed up, and her hair done. I think I used about half a bottle of hairspray and a dozen bobby pins to get her hair to stay in place. The dress is one that I made last year (to go to a wedding), and it still fits. Actually, it fits better this year than it did last, and it will probably still fit next year. It's nice to get a few wearings out of something that was a fair bit of work to do.

I took two of the sweaters that I'm working one with me, thinking that with all the driving, I'd get a lot done, but that didn't really happen. Oh well.


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