Tuesday, September 11, 2007

First day of preschool!

We had a very momentous day yesterday: it was Olivia's first day of preschool. She was so excited, and has been talking about nothing but school for the last week. She packed her knapsack with her 'homework' (a page to colour) and tried to get me to pack her a lunch. She was only going to be there for two hours, but you can never be too prepared. They made handprints with paint, read stories, had a snack, and played with toys.

When we dropped her off, she was busy checking out the place -- sizing up what kind of toys there were, and doing that four-year-old way of making friends with some of the other kids...standing there, staring at each other and grinning hugely. After a couple of minutes, when she decided that all was going to be okay, she came over to me and said, "Mom, I'll be fine. Really."

And she was. So now we get to do this again tomorrow, and then on Friday is our first foray into ballet lessons.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such a big girl!

Sep 11, 2007, 10:44:00 a.m.  

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