Should be sewing...
...but I'm not. Not at this moment. I've been a bad blog writer, so I thought I'd procrastinate and kvetch for a bit.
So, I'm planning on making a new outfit for the wedding that we're going to in June. We're leaving 8 June, and I'm going to start the muslin for the jacket tonight. I'm having issues with the's the sizes for the jacket, from the Indygo Junction website.
I don't just seems really whacked as compared to real-life sizes... (I know I'm not exactly Kate Moss-sized, but it just seems, well, small)
So...I'm off to test it out
So, I'm planning on making a new outfit for the wedding that we're going to in June. We're leaving 8 June, and I'm going to start the muslin for the jacket tonight. I'm having issues with the's the sizes for the jacket, from the Indygo Junction website.
I don't just seems really whacked as compared to real-life sizes... (I know I'm not exactly Kate Moss-sized, but it just seems, well, small)
So...I'm off to test it out
Cheers! Good luck on your muslin!
I know -exactly- what you mean about the sizing. I've been working on a button-down dress and had to go so far as buy a whole new pattern (next size!) after the first muslin was just way too small. I think I cut for a 12 -and- added inches. Granted, I wanted it to be pretty baggy, but whole experience made me feel rather bovine.
I've been told that the off the rack dresses are sized with vanity sizes, and I really think that's true. The sad thing is that the vanity size system works—at least on me.
Yup...the vanity thing totally works for me...but I'm really trying to go with the "What Not to Wear" credo of "It's not the number on the tag, but how it looks on that counts."
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