Thursday, October 12, 2006

Good things come in small packages...

Technology is an incredible thing. As much as I curse it sometimes, because I don't understand how to do a lot of complex computer things, it is amazing. I can chat with my friend Michelle, across the cul-de-sac, or my mom, halfway across the continent.

As I've mentioned in a much earlier post, I have some unique fitting issues, so I like to have custom-made clothing. Plus, I don't like to look like everyone else. Hard to tell that by the inch-long orangy-blonde hair, and cat's eye glasses emblazoned with rhinestones on the sides.
Image from

I came across this pattern, and absolutely fell in love with it. So, a few mouse clicks later, this pattern was en route from Florida, to my house in Washington state.

Because, my lifestyle screams that I totally need a silk party dress. And, while we're going with this...we may as well go all the way.

Image from

A Google search on sari fabric came next. So...another few mouse clicks, I had ordered myself a coppery-brown silk sari with a sumptuous amount of gold work on the borders. And where did this gem come from? Nagpur, India.

It arrived today in a smallish envelope. Five yards of silk really folds up to basically nothing.

But it is beautiful.

So, it is amazing, to be able to order something from halfway around the world. The package arrives at my door, and totally makes my day.

Technology is an incredible thing.


Blogger Unknown said...

I had to pick my jaw up from my desk! They are both amazing! Can't wait to see the finished product

Oct 12, 2006, 4:18:00 p.m.  
Blogger Ron said...


I just came across your post while doing research on what our customers reviews are. My name is Ron and I am the owner of Yes you are correct we ship a lot of our products directly from source rather than collecting it all at one place. Hope you liked the sari fabric. Comments and critiques are always welcome.

Nov 16, 2006, 11:24:00 p.m.  

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